Hello All, Sorry if this is a bit low on the expertise level I usually see on the PIC List, but I have tried to research the info I have on hand for ' Eagle ' and I'm coming up lost and confused. I created a design in Eagle .sch and the subsequent .brd file. I ran processes against the .brd file per the instructions listed by Sparkfun.com. This seems to have generated Gerber files, ( GERBER RS274X ). I was able to generate a .drl file a that looks like this: T01 0.031in T02 0.032in T03 0.040in T04 0.043in T05 0.044in T06 0.055in T07 0.142in I was told by the Sparkfun tech that this was incomplete. I think he wants a file with coordinates for all the holes to be drilled, but I don't know how to generate it? I've received good results from ExpressPCB, but I would like to be able to generate good Gerber files by way of Eagle so I can try out different board houses. Any guidance you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Tom .........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7.. (averaging 72 characters per line for easy reading!) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist