I've been doing some research to figure out the best way to compile C code for the PIC16F88 under Win32. =20 There don't appear to be many free options... The only one that seems to work at all that I can find seems to be SourceBoost's C2C++ package. Unfortunately, the download link is broken (http://www.picant.com/c2c/download.html, but it says trial downloads expired). So, I'm wondering if anyone has the installer they could email me, or post for download somewhere. =20 Or, of course, any reasonably easy solution that runs under Windows is acceptable too. I'm just trying to write some fairly simple C code for this thing, so anything that compiles ANSI C or preferably C++ should work just fine for me. =20 With any luck, tomorrow I'll be coding up my first PIC programs. :D =20 Thanks in advance. Hopefully the tide of newbie questions from me will soon be quenched. The digikey order is on its way full of capacitors, resistors, PICs, and MAX chips, for happy funtimes with the soldering gun. =20 -David -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist