Mike writes > > Is it possible that the voltage on the MOSEFT source pin was sagging > slightly under the higher loads? This would reduce Vgs and tend to raise > the on resistance, especialy if you were close to the devices Vth anyway. These are the mosfets internal to the PIC, so the source is at supply for the p-channel and ground for the n-channel. Vsupply was 5.08 volts continuously. Not knowing the internals of the PIC, but having a pretty good idea, the mosfet drive is rail to rail. > I'm guessing from the (high) resistances in the chart that these device > are either small signal MOSFETs, or are operating near their threshold > voltages? Or possibly the units are milli-ohms rather than Ohms? They are ohms. Again, the mosfets are internal, the PIC output pin itself. -Bob -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist