As a hobbyist, my range if PIC's is currently quite limited. 16F876, 877 etc and a couple of the 18F parts. =20 Now I've got a programmer that can program all these parts but I'm getting confused on the project side and the MCLR. =20 When I build a project, I always add a 4 pin ICP connector. One pin ground, VPP to the MCLR pin, Data and Clock. I tie the MCLR PIC pin via a diode and a 1K resistor to +5v allowing the PIN to be pulled high by the circuit but not allowing the VPP from the programmer to get onto the projects power bus. I never power my project from the programmer, always from it's own PSU/5v =20 I've looked at several circuits and they all seem different. Some have a capacitor from the MCLR pin to ground. Some don't have a diode. Some don't even seem to bother with the resistor and just leave the pin floating. =20 Is there a "proper" way of doing things ? =20 Also, my ICP cable is about 2 feet long. There was no real reason for this, it's just the way it happened.=20 Is this too long ? =20 The reason all this has come about is that I have a very simple circuit with a 16F628 and for the life of me I can't get it to program via the ICP cable. If I take the PIC out and sit it in the ZIF then it works fine. I thought it might be some quirk with the PIC but I've tried several and they all exhibit the same problem - the verification pass fails. =20 Could somebody give me some advice or point me to some documentation please. =20 Thanks, Joe =20 =20 -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at