I've been dabbling with the dsPIC30F3012 for a while now, and this has been a nagging problem. Using the ICD2 with MPLAB 7.20, the values shown in the View...SFR window stay constant even after the running program changes them. e.g., with this simple code: .global __reset .text __reset: clr TRISB bset TRISB, #0 bset TRISB, #1 def: goto def Pausing after running it and looking at the SFR window, TRISB is stuck at 0x00FF. The same thing (and value!) also happens with the ADPCFG. ADCON1 on the other hand remains stuck at 0x4000. Note that despite this error, the program works just fine...so the hardware registers are being set as they should be. MPLAB SIM also shows the correct values. This leads me to suspect this is either something stupid on my part, or a bug in MPLAB. Any ideas? Thanks, -Ishaan -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web.com/ . -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist