In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, kb2hap wrote: Its all about quality! when I was first starting out in the stamp world I saw the same things as you. BS2~4000 ips BasicX~65000 ips something like that!? The quality of there product is no where near the quality of Parallax's product. If you looking for speed memory ect. why not start with a stamp to get ya going the move to something else if you feel comfortable. I all depends on what your doing. You could go FPGA if you needed something of that calibur. or ARM. Alot of people are just having fun and enjoy learning programming and electronics. There are also quite a few seasoned people who do some really cool stuff with the SX's. Its very easy to design something on expressPCB and have you boards back in a few days. Then you can put some parts on your boards and paste and throw it in the toaster oven for a little while or you can use another method where you put a little solder on you pencil and some liquid flux on the pins and wipe the solder across the pins. Its another accomplishment or experience you can throw under you belt. Parallax has excellent documentation for there products as well as examples and support, but best of all they have this great community of people on these forums who are earger to help out whenever possible. or you can go to the other guy, good luck! We've all been there. ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2005 (