Sorry for jumping in at this point and maybe rehashing what has already been covered. Possibly some version of the Forth language would work for you. I believe you can find Forth that is running on PIC chips. Forth will allow you to teach basic programing concepts. It is certainly different than C, or scripting languages although it is possible to modify Forth's behaviour to be more Forth operates with nested words and allows immediate execution of a word ( as well using words in a programmed process ). For example, some words might be CCW, CW, FORWARD, BACKUP,BEEP 180 CCW (cr) would have the robot turn 180 degrees CounterClockwise immediately. 20 CW (cr) would have the robot spin clockwise 20 degrees immediately. Don't like CCW as a command ? Redefine it as LEFT. 16 FORWARD 180 CCW 19 BACKUP (cr) would have the robot go forward 16 inches, do a 180, and backup 19 inches. : BLOOP 16 FORWARD 180 CCW 19 BACKUP ; (cr) would create a new word called BLOOP. BLOOP (cr) would then have the robot go forward 16 inches, do a 180, and backup 19 inches. Simple once some one demonstrates. You can show the same process on a PC with sprites. There are many free flavors of Forth and it runs on nearly every processor ever made. I see that the Rug Warrior Pro uses a 68HC11. Forth exists for this processor. for tutorials see contact me if you want more assistance. Augustus Gustavius Salvatore Calabrese 720.222.1309 AGSC Denver, CO -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at