Actually, My main priority with the PICKit 1 is to study some experiments. First the USB HID class communication. It appears to me that the descriptors used in PICKit 1 is very much differ from Microchip and Jan Axelson's example. Now it's emulation proceeded suscessfully. MPLAB then can connect to it and I had suscessfully 'write' something to PIC12F675. The next thing is the PID and voltage control. Well again an interesting subject to study. Until now I see that there are a lot of experiments awating me. I can't do it now but until the end of next week, perhaps I will have a chance to do something then. As the moment, it seems to me that some tuning can be done to the PID multiplier factor (forget the symbol used here without any reference in hand, I think something like Kp, Ki, Kd etc). I think then 'reverse engineering' the PICKit 2 is not a priority for me. At least the efforts required could be much more than to study/implement one yourself. This is especially true as many resources are available for PICKit 1. I will stick with PICKit 1 at the moment. Best regards, WH Tan -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Chen Xiao Fan Sent: 14 July 2005 16:03 To: 'Microcontroller discussion list - Public.' Subject: RE: [PIC] PICKIT 2 (was PICKit1 & PIC18F2550) Yes it looks rather like a tool. But you can always open it and throw away the case. :) Since the schematic is open, one can easily build the PICkit 2 as well. Even without the schematic, it is rather easy to reproduce the hardware since it is not so complicated as ICD2 (lots of clone on the Web). The "case" of the firmware is much more difficult to throw away. :) I do not think one would like to reverse engineering the firmware. But maybe the protocol can be reverse engineered. LPLAB is doing that (to reverse engineering the ICD2 protocol). Regards, Xiaofan -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at