Hi Xiao Fan, Quite interesting alternatives. My testing board was built on a matrix board. Should not be a problem to add those suggestions to my experiments later. Not my top priority at the moment. I am excited by the progress so far. With a PIC12F675, it seems like performing well. I have written data to program memory + EEROM data and all read back correctly. My priority now is to keep playing with the board and see if I could add some enhancement to the command sets. For instance the command to change the Vpp...and perhaps looking into the chance to improve the PID. Not really must get a result from the latter. Just want to study a bit more about the PID. By the way, in the MPLAB project that I sent to you, I used 'retfie fast'. I was doing this to 'experience' how bad the silicon bug is with C18. You should not use return fast and put back the context saving code that I have commented out. Best regards, WH Tan PS: Are we share the same last name actually? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Chen Xiao Fan" To: "'Microcontroller discussion list - Public.'" Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 9:52 AM Subject: RE: [PIC] PICKIT 2 (was PICKit1 & PIC18F2550) > Another option for improvement of the PICkit 1 Vpp power generation > is to use a separate small SMPS like the one inside ICD2. I have > since measured the Vpp waveform of the ICD2 Vpp line and it is quite > nice (not like PICkit 1). > > Based on a well circulated ICD2 clone circuit, the ICD2 Vpp > generation > is a boost (step-up) converter based on an OnSemi MC34063 (quite > cheap), > a 100uH inductor, a BAT85 (?) Schottky diode, a 47uF capacitor. > To smooth the output voltage, it has employed another 10uH inductor > and a 47uF capacitor. The feedback is a voltage divider consisting > two > resistor and a digital poti. The digital poti can be simply replaced > by a analog poti if no automatic adjustment of Vpp is required. > I have opened the original ICD2 and find it to be similarly built > (or I should say the clone is following the original ICD2 design). > > Another option is to use a 10F20x, just like the one used in Olin's > prototype board discussed sometime ago. > > Let us wait and see the design of PICkit 2. > > Regards, > Xiaofan -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist