Slightly offtopic (perhaps) I've been studying dsPIC for a few days now and the following thing puzzles me a little: According to the manuals, constant data in programspace is meant to be fetched using the PSV. PSV allows the upper 32kByte RAM addressingspace to be mapped onto a selectable (PSVPAG-register) 32 kByte programspace. The alternative way of accessing programspace ( TableReads ) is said to be intended only for self-programming or when you want to fetch entire programwords (instead of only the lower 16 bits of each word). Ok, this all makes sense. But: Does this mean that we will never see dsPIC's with more than 32kByte RAM? Or are we then supposed to switch PSV on/off as needed? >From what I've seen, the C30 compiler does not dynamically enable/disable PSV. Does this mean C30 is limited to 32kByte RAM? Yes, I know 8kByte RAM is the most you can get currently. :-) Marcel Olin Lathrop wrote: > John J. McDonough wrote: >> Like ... 16 bit registers, > > Right, it's a 16 bit machine. > >> except for the 40 bit ones (why 40?) > > You failed to mention that these are the two DSP accumulators. They are > meant to perform 16 bit multiply-accumulate operations, so it makes sense > for the them to be 32 bits wide. The extra 8 bits are for overlow, which > is > a very nice touch. Some DSPs have don't have such a wide accumulator, and > it gets to be a pain. > > However unless you are doing DSP operations, just ignore the DSP > accumulators and the DSP instructions. They are different because of what > they need to do, but you don't have to use them. > >> Some memory accessible to some instructions some of the time > > Think of it this way. RAM is addresses indirectly thru another register, > but some instructions give you a way to address the first K or so (I don't > remember right now) directly as a bonus. > >> Two different ALUs with pretty different behavior ... probably a good >> thing, but odd > > Not at all for a DSP. Again, if you're not doing DSP, just ignore that > part. > >> Almost all instructions 1 cycle except for a few 18 cycle ones ... > > You neglected to mention these are divide instructions. It would be a > true > miracle if they could put a 32 by 16 bit divider for that price and power > in > there that took only one cycle. As it is, you get a 16 x 16 into 32 bit > multiply in one cycle. The other PICs don't have dividers at all. What > would you rather have, no divide instruction or one that takes 18 cycles? > >> and the few that take two cycles unless you hold your head just right >> in which case they take 3. > > Of coures branches take 2 cycles, just like on other PICs. > >> And no, not simple and predictable like btfsc. >> GP registers useable as GP registers some of the time >> >> Hardly orthogonal! > > Mostly orthogonal except where the feature dictated otherwise. Overall I > think the dsPIC is a really nice well designed microcontroller that does a > real good job at what it is intended for. > >> And yeah, I make it sound worse than it is. > > Yes, you are being rather unfair. Everything is a tradeoff. Keep in mind > these things go into cost sensitive applications. The important part is > how > much capability and performance can be squeezed out of silicon that has to > sell for $5 packaged. Whether the instruction set is 100% orthogonal or > every instruction takes the same number of cycles is not that important in > the scheme of things. > > Personally I find the dsPIC easy to program, even compared to other PICs. > > > ***************************************************************** > Embed Inc, embedded system specialists in Littleton Massachusetts > (978) 742-9014, -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at