On 7/1/05, Alison Lewis wrote: > I have a question for those wireless and networking > people out there. I am curious how something like the > ambient orb works. Is it a cell phone network, or is > there something else going on there? It just seems to > just plug into the wall and bam it works. > > quote: "No computer or Internet connection required. > Uses a nationwide wireless network to bring > information to your Orb" > > http://www.ambientdevices.com/cat/orb/Stock_Orb.pdf As someone else mentioned, I believe it is a pager network. I've been wondering how easy (and expensive) it is to gain access to that. I would imagine most of the cost of th Orb is in paying for the network service. Has anyone hacked one of these devices to really see what's going on? It also makes we wonder what sort of encryption they have on the network and what sort of other information is floating around out there. That seems like such a neat device. If only it was a little bit cheaper, I could consider getting one, although I'm not sure what info I would have it display. Anyone on the PIC list pick one of these up yet? Or, are these only for executives? Bradley -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist