In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, labtronix wrote: Hello I´m new in programming and in this forum !!! I need make one project with SX20 or 28 but the code i can get are for BS2p : There is the code: Could you please help me ? I´m sorry my English; Thanks; Filipe Ther is the Code: ' 23 - 09 - 2002 ' VER 2.01.1 ' -----[ Title ]----------------------------------------------------------- ' ' File...... Vehicle Tracker ' Purpose... Detects Intrusion into a vehicle and then sends out an SMS message with the ' vehicle' location using GPS and GSM modules. ' Author.... Ashfaq Juna ' E-mail.... ' Started... V1.00 --- 07 July 2002 ' Current....V 2.01.2.E 02 October 2002 ' Please note: Portions of the source code were kindly provided by Parallax ' {$STAMP BS2p} ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------- ' OWpin CON 15 ' 1-wire device pin Ignition CON 1 ' Ignition Connection from car GPSpin CON 0 ' GPS receiver is connected to pin0 ' -----[ Constants ]------------------------------------------------------- ' OW_FERst CON %0001 ' Front-End Reset OW_BERst CON %0010 ' Back-End Reset OW_BitMode CON %0100 OW_HighSpd CON %1000 ReadROM CON $33 ' read ID, serial num, CRC SearchROM CON $F0 ' search NoDevice CON %11 ' no device present '''GPs''''''' T9600 CON 240 ' 9600-8-N-1 (matches DEBUG) N4800 CON 16884 LF CON 10 ' linefeed FirstSlot CON 1 MaxAddr CON 8-FirstSlot*2048-1 FirstAddr CON 2 ' make room for readings Comma CON "," DegSym CON 176 ' degrees symbol MinSym CON 39 ' minutes symbol SecSym CON 34 ' seconds symbol '------------------------ END OF GPS CONSTANTS---------------- ' -----[ Variables ]------------------------------------------------------- ' idx VAR NIB ' loop counter romData VAR Byte(8) ' ROM data from DS1820 devCheck VAR Nib ' device check return ocde IntTime VAR Byte ' This is to keep track of time; it will be used to introduce about ' delay. After each delay a message will be sent out with the GPS ' co-ordinate TimeLimit VAR Byte ButtonStat VAR NIB IntrusionStat VAR NIB ' -----[ GPS Variables ]------------------------------------------------------- ' flags VAR Byte valid VAR flags.Bit7 laDeg VAR Byte laMin VAR Byte laSec VAR Word ' tenths of seconds laSLo VAR laSec.LowByte laSHi VAR laSec.HighByte laNS VAR flags.Bit0 ' 0 = N loDeg VAR Byte loMin VAR Byte loSec VAR Word ' tenths of seconds loSLo VAR loSec.LowByte loSHi VAR loSec.HighByte loEW VAR flags.Bit1 ' 0 = E temp VAR Byte temp2 VAR Word rdngNum VAR Word ' -----[ Initialization ]-------------------------------------------------- ' Initialize: PAUSE 1000 ' let DEBUG window open INPUT Ignition ' Defining Pin 1 as an input IntrusionStat = %00 ' reseting the Intrusion Status register 'iButtonStat= %00 ' resetting the iButton Status register ' -----[ Main Code ]------------------------------------------------------- Main: ButtonStat = %00 'Resetting the Button Status DEBUG CLS GOTO DeviceCheck ' look for device iButtonChecked: IF (devCheck <> NoDevice) THEN Check SeeAgain: Condition1: IF ButtonStat <>%11 AND IN1=1 THEN Intrusion ' Intrusion detected Condition2: IF ButtonStat =%11 AND IN1=1 THEN LetDrive ' Ok to Drive Condition3: IF ButtonStat =%11 AND IN1=0 THEN LetDriveDelay ' OK to drive, has a 10 second delay GOTO MAIN ' -----[ Subroutines ]----------------------------------------------------- ' '==================================================================================== Intrusion: IntTime = 0 ' Reseting the 'intrusion timer' IF IntrusionStat = %11 THEN TwoMinDelay IntrusionStat = %01 ' Setting the Intrusion Flag TimeLimit = 25 ' Give approx 25 Seconds time limit to enter a valid key GOTO DoTimeOut TwoMinDelay: TimeLimit = 120 ' Give 120 Seconds time delay before sendin out a new message DoTimeOut: GoSub TimeOut PAUSE 2500 ' 2.5 secons of pause SmsMessage: PAUSE 250 '250ms delay for SMS messaging DEBUG "AT" PAUSE 1000 DEBUG CR DEBUG "AT+CMGF=1" 'Making sure that the TC-35 GSM module is in text mode. 'PAUSE 2000 DEBUG CR ' Carraige Return ot 'Enter' PAUSE 2000 DEBUG "AT+CMGS" PAUSE 2000 DEBUG 61 'ASCII Equivalent for = DEBUG 34 'ASCII Equivalent for " '================================================================================ DEBUG "+44 Your mobile number here" ' Enter the destination mobile phone number here ' +44 is for UK; change for other countries ' e.g.: +92 for Pakistan, + '================================================================================ DEBUG 34 'ASCII Equivalent for " DEBUG CR ' Carraige Return ot 'Enter' PAUSE 2000 PAUSE 1000 GOSUB Datalog 'Get the GPS data and feed it to the TC-35 IntrusionStat=%11 GOTO SeeAgain ' -----[ Subroutines ]----------------------------------------------------- ' ********************************************** ' Extract Latitude and Longitude from GPS string ' ********************************************** DataLog: SERIN GPSpin,N4800,[WAIT("$GPRMC"),SPSTR 65] GOSUB Parse_GPS ' show current reading DEBUG DEC2 laDeg,":",DEC2 laMin,":" DEBUG DEC2 laSec / 10,".",DEC1 laSec // 10,Comma DEBUG "N" + (laNS * 5),Comma DEBUG DEC3 loDeg,":",DEC2 loMin,":" DEBUG DEC2 loSec / 10,".",DEC1 loSec // 10,Comma DEBUG "E" + (loEW * 18) DEBUG CR DEBUG 26 'Equivlent for CTRL+Z in ASCII ' At this point an SMS message has been sent out Return '================================================================================= Parse_GPS: Get_Lat: GET 10,temp laDeg = (temp - "0") * 10 GET 11,temp laDeg = (temp - "0") + laDeg GET 12,temp laMin = (temp - "0") * 10 GET 13,temp laMin = (temp - "0") + laMin GET 15,temp temp2 = (temp - "0") * 1000 GET 16,temp temp2 = (temp - "0") * 100 + temp2 GET 17,temp temp2 = (temp - "0") * 10 + temp2 GET 18,temp temp2 = (temp - "0") + temp2 laSec = temp2 * 6 / 10 + 5 / 10 ' temp2 * 0.06 (with rounding) laNS = 0 GET 20,temp IF (temp = "N") THEN Get_Long laNS = 1 Get_Long: GET 22,temp loDeg = (temp - "0") * 100 GET 23,temp loDeg = (temp - "0") * 10 + loDeg GET 24,temp loDeg = (temp - "0") + loDeg GET 25,temp loMin = (temp - "0") * 10 GET 26,temp loMin = (temp - "0") + loMin GET 28,temp temp2 = (temp - "0") * 1000 GET 29,temp temp2 = (temp - "0") * 100 + temp2 GET 30,temp temp2 = (temp - "0") * 10 + temp2 GET 31,temp temp2 = (temp - "0") + temp2 loSec = temp2 * 6 / 10 + 5 / 10 ' temp2 * 0.06 (with rounding) loEW = 0 GET 33,temp IF (temp = "E") THEN Parse_GPS_Done loEW = 1 Parse_GPS_Done: RETURN '============================================================== TimeOut: BacktoTimeout: GOTO DeviceCheck 'Re-check if iButton is OK TimeOutDone: DEBUG " In here counting" DEBUG CR IF ButtonStat = %11 THEN AllOk ' A valid iButton has been connected PAUSE 1000 '1 second delay IntTime = IntTime+1 ' Increment IF IntTime => TimeLimit THEN TimeOutComp ' Send out another message with the position GOTO BacktoTimeOut 'Keep counting the time until time is !! TimeOutComp: Return '============================================================== LetDrive: IF IN1=1 then LetDrive 'If Ignition is switched OFF GOTO LEtDriveDelay LetDriveDelay: ' This Subroutine caters for Stalls etc.. Pause 5000 IF IN1=1 THEN LetDrive ' let the user drive car IntrusionStat= %00 ' Reset Instrusion Flag ButtonStat = %00 ' Reset Button Status flaf GOTO Main '============================================================== ' This subroutine checks to see if any 1-Wire devices are present on the ' bus. It does NOT search for ROM codes ' DeviceCheck: devCheck = 0 OWOUT OWpin,OW_FERst,[SearchROM] ' reset and start search OWIN OWpin,OW_BitMode,[devCheck.Bit1,devCheck.Bit0] IF (devCheck <> NoDevice) THEN Check IF IntrusionStat <> %00 THEN TimeoutDone ' If Intrusion already logged, return to 'timeout' DEVICECHECKDONE: GOTO SeeAgain Check: DisplayROM: 'DEBUG "Dallas 1-Wire ID : " OWOUT OWpin,OW_FERst,[ReadROM] ' send Read ROM command OWIN OWpin,OW_BERst,[STR romData\8] ' read serial number & CRC IF romData(0) <> $03 THEN CheckSecond IF romData(1) <> $F0 THEN CheckSecond IF romData(2) <> $BC THEN CheckSecond IF romData(3) <> $08 THEN CheckSecond IF romData(4) <> $10 THEN CheckSecond IF romData(5) <> $00 THEN CheckSecond IF romData(6) <> $00 THEN CheckSecond IF romData(7) <> $30 THEN CheckSecond GOTO ButtonOK CheckSecond: IF romData(0) <> $01 THEN BadButton IF romData(1) <> $68 THEN BadButton IF romData(2) <> $21 THEN BadButton IF romData(3) <> $24 THEN BadButton IF romData(4) <> $08 THEN BadButton IF romData(5) <> $00 THEN BadButton IF romData(6) <> $00 THEN BadButton IF romData(7) <> $31 THEN BadButton GOTO ButtonOK BadButton: ButtonStat = %01 If IntrusionStat <> %00 THEN BacktoTimeout GOTO SeeAgain ButtonOK: ButtonStat = %11 IntrusionStat=%00 GOTO SeeAgain 'At this stage we have ascertained that the user is authorised. We now need to detect when ' the vehicle is stopped. Wait for another 25s (to allow for situations such as a 'Stall) ' and start monitoring again. ' This will be catered by another '''Subroutine''' '============================================================== AllOk: ButtonStat = %11 IntrusionStat = %00 Goto SeeAgain ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2005 (