So long as you can program the 628A, there is no reason why not, in fact my recently purchased Wisp628 came with a 628A, so it definately works :) -Jamie On 01/06/05, Steve Willoughby wrote: > I'm building a Wisp628, and just realized that my parts drawer contains > only 4MHz 16F628 chips, although I do have some 20MHz 16F628A parts. > Although the Wisp628 specifies the '628 chip, I don't see enough > difference between the 628 and 628A to suggest that I couldn't use the > 628A to control the Wisp. At least it looks like a good bet it'd work. > > Anyone know any reason why that wouldn't work? > > TIA, > steve > -- > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive > View/change your membership options at > > -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at