--0-1073365205-1117034925=:57509 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I came across an excellent bit of software for decoding POCSAG using a 16C84 see attached file. Unfortunately when I tried to compile it using MPLAB 7.10 it gave over 100 errors? Any tips as to why so many errors should happen? I am new to PIC programming but have looked everywhere for help. Thanks, Bob PS Have also used MPASM 3.2 with the same result. --------------------------------- Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PCcalling worldwide with voicemail --0-1073365205-1117034925=:57509 Content-Type: text/plain; name="RX_PAGER.ASM" Content-Description: 3378280224-RX_PAGER.ASM Content-Disposition: inline; filename="RX_PAGER.ASM" ;********************************************************* ; PIC PAGER SCAN v1.01 (jul 26 1997) ; Copyright (c)1996-1997 Dejan Kaljevic ; All Rights Reserved ; (eMail: dejan@net.yu) ;********************************************************* ;list p=16f84,f=inhx8m,r=dec ;__fuses H'1' include dex.mac ;********************************************************* r0 equ 0ch r1 equ 0dh r2 equ 0eh r3 equ 0fh r4 equ 10h r5 equ 11h r6 equ 12h r7 equ 13h txreg equ 1ch crc_temp equ 1dh temp_count equ 1eh temp_data equ 1fh _data equ 20h ;20h,21h,22h,23h status_s equ 24h pozic_adr equ 25h count_in equ 26h timer_9600 equ 27h status_sync equ 28h ; 76543210 ; || || | ; || || *- 0=1200 bps 1=512 bps ; || |*--- 0=noinvert 1=invert ; || *---- 1=new bit ; **------- 2 bit counter for 512 bps counter equ 29h data_in_temp equ 2ah data_in equ 2bh sinhro equ 2ch status_tx equ 2dh temp_w equ 2eh temp_status equ 2fh include "picreg.h" ;********************************************** org 0 jmp start org 4 ;************ timer interrupt ************** ; movwf temp_w ;save w & status swapf status,w bcf status,rp0 movwf temp_status ;--------------------------------------- ;-10 for rtcc movlw 256 -104 + 10 movwf rtcc bcf intcon,rtif jmp int_timer ;--------------------------------------- get_data clr pclath movwf pc copy_r db 13 db 10 db 13 db 10 db 1 db 80 retlw '*' db 13 db 10 data ' PIC PAGER SCAN v1.01 by Kaljevic Dejan 97 All Rights Reserved' db 13 db 10 data ' TEL.381-11-596-075 Belgrade,YU eMail: dejan@net.yu' db 13 db 10 db 1 db 80 retlw '*' db 13 db 10 db 0 ;****************************************************** ;------------------------------------------------------ int_timer incf count_in incf timer_9600 ;====================================================== ; Tx bajt ; txreg <- bajt ; status_tx <- ffh start ; ; read status_tx=0 ready for transmit ;------------------------------------------------------ movf status_tx,w jz end_tx ;nothing to send incf status_tx,w jne tx_1 ;not start impuls bcf port_a,3 ;start movlf status_tx,10 jmp end_tx tx_1 djnz status_tx,tx_2 jmp end_tx ;end of stop impuls tx_2 decf status_tx,w jne tx_3 bsf port_a,3 ;stop jmp end_tx tx_3 rrf txreg jc txx bcf port_a,3 jmp end_tx txx bsf port_a,3 end_tx ;------------------------------------------------------ ;====================================================== ; Set frequency from 9600 Hz to 1200 Hz or 512 Hz ;====================================================== set_freq jb status_sync,0,s_512 movf count_in,w xorlw 8 ;1200 = 9600/8 je t512c ;end of 1200 jmp t512 s_512 movlw 0c0h ;512 = 9600*4/(3*19+18) andwf status_sync,w movlw 18 jz bb512 movlw 19 bb512 xorwf count_in,w jne t512 movlw 40h ;end of 512 addwf status_sync t512c clr count_in t512 ;----------------------------------------------------- ;===================================================== ; Set phase for 1200 Hz or 512 Hz (PLL) ;===================================================== set_phase clc jnb port_a,4,m1 stc m1 rlf status_s ;last 8 bits movf status_s,w andlw 3 xorlw 1 ;je promena ;01 ;xorlw 3 jne bez_promene ;00 or 11 ;--------------------------------------- ; 01 ;or 10 ;--------------- promena jb status_sync,0,b_512 movlw 6 ;1200 subwf count_in,w jc pro ;6,7 (+25%) movlw 3 subwf count_in,w jnc pro ;0 & 1,2 (-25%) bez_prom incf count_in jmp bez_promene ;--------------- b_512 movlw 15 ;512 subwf count_in,w jc pro ;15,16,17,18,19 (+25%) movlw 4 subwf count_in,w jc bez_prom ;0 & 1,2,3 (-15%) pro clr count_in bez_promene ;--------------------------------------- ;======================================= ; get bit ;--------------------------------------- jb status_sync,0,d_512 movlw 4 ;1200 bps jmp get_bit d_512 movlw 8 ;512 bps get_bit xorwf count_in,w jne end_bit ;--------------- incf counter bsf status_sync,3 ;--------------------------------------- ; bit filter ;--------------------------------------- movf status_s,w andlw 7 xorlw 3 je bit_1 ;011 xorlw 7 je bit_0 ;100 jnb status_s,2,bit_0 bit_1 stc jmp bit_e bit_0 clc bit_e ;--------------------------------------- rlf data_in_temp movf counter,w andlw 7 jne end_bit movlf counter,80h movff data_in,data_in_temp end_bit ;--------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------- ; end of interrupt ;--------------------------------------- swapf temp_status,w movwf status swapf temp_w swapf temp_w,w retfie ;--------------------------------------- ;*************************************** start clr r0 ;pause 65536 uS s1 clr r1 s2 djnz r1,s2 djnz r0,s1 clr status_tx clr txreg clr status_sync movlf port_a,8 movlf port_b,0 movlw 0 tris port_b movlw 0f0h tris port_a movlw 256-96 ;tmr0 movwf rtcc movlf intcon,10100000b movlw 10001000b option ;--------------------------------------- clr r0 ;pause 65536 uS ps1 clr r1 ps2 djnz r1,ps2 djnz r0,ps1 ;======================================= ; Print Info ;--------------------------------------- movlw copy_r movwf r7 nex_data movf r7,w call get_data incf r7 movwf r1 iorlw 0 jz end_of_data decf r1 jz mul_pr call send_byte ;char jmp nex_data ;--------------------------------------- mul_pr movf r7,w call get_data movwf r1 ;mult. incf r7 movf r7,w call get_data movwf r2 ;char. incf r7 nn_r movf r2,w call send_byte ;char * mult djnz r1,nn_r jmp nex_data ;--------------- end_of_data ;--------------------------------------- clr counter ;*************************************** next_scan_reset clr r1 ;--------------------------------------- ; Reset 10 ms ;--------------- movf timer_9600,w addlw 96 movwf r0 bsf port_a,2 ;reset 10 ms ne_res movf timer_9600,w xorwf r0,w jne ne_res bcf port_a,2 ;--------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------- ; Wait 8,3 ms ;--------------- movf timer_9600,w addlw 80 movwf r0 nne_res movf timer_9600,w ;wait 8,3 ms xorwf r0,w jne nne_res ;--------------------------------------- ;======================================= next_scan clr count_in clr port_b ;LEDs off movf r1,w andlw 1 movwf status_sync ;set freq movwf status_sync ;! ;--------------------------------------- ; Search for header ;--------------------------------------- call get_bajt jc end_scan ;time out movwf r0 xorlw 55h je prr_o addlw 1 jne end_scan ;not found 55h or 0aah prr_o movlf r2,8 prr_ call get_bajt jc end_scan ;time out movf r0,w xorwf data_in,w jne end_scan ;not found header djnz r2,prr_ ;--------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------- bsf port_b,0 ;on LED header jb status_sync,0,led_512 bsf port_b,2 ;on LED 1200 bps jmp led_end led_512 bsf port_b,3 ;on LED 512 bps led_end ;--------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------- ; Search for end of header to get synchro & polarity ;--------------------------------------- bcf status_sync,3 call get__bit jc end_scan ;time out nex_bb movwf r0 call get__bit jc end_scan ;time out xorwf r0 jb r0,0,nex_bb ;--------------- end of header --------- movwf r0 movlf counter,1 ;set sync (number of rx bits) bcf status_sync,2 ;set polarity jnb r0,0,no_inv bsf status_sync,2 no_inv ;--------------------------------------- ;======================================= ; decode block ;--------------------------------------- get_next_block call get_dword ;get data jc end_scan call crc ;test CRC & correct g_next_block call test_frame_sync jne next_scan_reset ;--------------------------------------- clr pozic_adr bcf port_b,0 ;off LED header bsf port_b,1 ;on LED data ;--------------------------------------- get_next_dword call get_dword jc end_scan call crc g_next_dword call test_idle je end_dd ;======================================= ; decode data ;--------------------------------------- rlf _data+2 rlf _data+1 rlf _data jc data_dd ;data chunk ;======================================= ; decode addr ;--------------------------------------- clr temp_data movlf temp_count,7 ;--------------- movlw 0c0h ;calculate addr andwf _data+2 movff r0,pozic_adr ;3 LSB bits from pozic_addr rlf r0 rlf r0,w iorwf _data+2 call bin_bcd ;bin 21 bit _data --> bcd r6,r5,r4,r3 ;--------------- ;--------------------------------------- ; send (print) Addr & get next dword ;--------------------------------------- call get_bajt jc end_scan movwf _data ;--------------- movlw 13 ;new line call send_byte movlw 10 call send_byte movf r3,w call send_lnibl ;--------------- call get_bajt jc end_scan movwf _data+1 ;--------------- swapf r4,w call send_lnibl movf r4,w call send_lnibl swapf r5,w call send_lnibl ;--------------- call get_bajt jc end_scan movwf _data+2 ;--------------- movf r5,w call send_lnibl swapf r6,w call send_lnibl movf r6,w call send_lnibl ;--------------- call get_bajt jc end_scan movwf _data+3 ;--------------- movlw ' ' call send_byte movlw ' ' call send_byte ;--------------------------------------- call crc incf pozic_adr movlw 16 xorwf pozic_adr,w jne g_next_dword jmp g_next_block ;end of block ;======================================= ; decode text ;--------------------------------------- data_dd movlf r2,20 movff r0,temp_data movff r1,temp_count subwf r2 send_nex_ch call send_char ;send (print) text movlf r1,7 subwf r2 jc send_nex_ch ;--------------- movf r2,w clr temp_count subwf temp_count ;new temp_count movf temp_count,w subwf r1 ;--------------- nex_td rlf _data+2 rlf _data+1 rlf _data rrf r0 djnz r1,nex_td movff temp_data,r0 ;new temp_data ;--------------------------------------- end_dd incf pozic_adr movlw 16 xorwf pozic_adr,w jne get_next_dword jmp get_next_block ;end of block ;--------------------------------------- end_scan incf r1 movlw 16 xorwf r1,w je next_scan_reset jmp next_scan ;-------------------------------- ;*************************************** send_char rlf _data+2 rlf _data+1 rlf _data rrf r0 djnz r1,send_char clc rrf r0,w jmp send_byte ;--------------------------------------- ;*************************************** ; bin 21 bit _data --> bcd r6,r5,r4,r3 ;--------------------------------------- bin_bcd movlf r1,21 clr r3 clr r4 clr r5 clr r6 next_lld rlf _data+2 rlf _data+1 rlf _data rlf r6 rlf r5 rlf r4 rlf r3 djnz r1,adj_bcd ret ;--------------- adj_bcd movlw 3 ;adj r6 addwf r6,w movwf r0 btfsc r0,3 movwf r6 movlw 30h addwf r6,w movwf r0 btfsc r0,7 movwf r6 movlw 3 ;adj r5 addwf r5,w movwf r0 btfsc r0,3 movwf r5 movlw 30h addwf r5,w movwf r0 btfsc r0,7 movwf r5 movlw 3 ;adj r4 addwf r4,w movwf r0 btfsc r0,3 movwf r4 movlw 30h addwf r4,w movwf r0 btfsc r0,7 movwf r4 movlw 3 ;adj r3 addwf r3,w movwf r0 btfsc r0,3 movwf r3 movlw 30h addwf r3,w movwf r0 btfsc r0,7 movwf r3 jmp next_lld ;--------------------------------------- ;*************************************** test_frame_sync movlw 7ch xorwf _data,w jne er_t movlw 0d2h xorwf _data+1,w jne er_t movlw 15h xorwf _data+2,w ;jne er_t ;movlw 0d8h ;xorwf _data+3,w er_t ret ;*************************************** test_idle movlw 7ah xorwf _data,w jne er_t movlw 89h xorwf _data+1,w jne er_t movlw 0c1h xorwf _data+2,w ;jne er_t ;movlw 97h ;xorwf _data+3,w ret ;*************************************** ; 32-bit in --> data (0-3) ;--------------------------------------- get_dword call get_bajt jc er_dd movwf _data call get_bajt jc er_dd movwf _data+1 call get_bajt jc er_dd movwf _data+2 call get_bajt jc er_dd movwf _data+3 er_dd ret ;--------------------------------------- ;************************************** ; ret: c=0 w=bit (byte) ; c=1 time over error ;-------------------------------------- get__bit movf timer_9600,w addlw 256-2 movwf r7 nex_b movf r7,w xorwf timer_9600,w je time_ee jnb status_sync,3,nex_b ;--------------- clc bcf status_sync,3 movf data_in_temp,w ret ;--------------------------------------- ;*************************************** ; ret: c=0 w=byte ; c=1 time over error ;--------------------------------------- get_bajt movf timer_9600,w addlw 256-2 ;time max movwf r7 nex_gb movf r7,w xorwf timer_9600,w je time_ee ;time over error jnb counter,7,nex_gb ;wait for byte ;--------------- bcf counter,7 jnb status_sync,2,normal comf data_in ;data invert normal movf data_in,w clc ret time_ee stc ret ;--------------------------------------- ;*************************************** send_lnibl andlw 0fh addlw '0' ;*************************************** send_byte movf status_tx jnz send_byte movwf txreg movlf status_tx,0ffh ret ;--------------------------------------- ;*************************************** crc call test_crc movf r2,w jz end_cr ;crc=ok call crc_poz ;get pozition addlw 1 movwf crc_temp call test_crc1 movf crc_temp,w call crc_data3 xorwf r2,w jz crc_cor ;crc 1-bit error ok ret ;>1 bit error (bad data) crc_cor movf crc_temp,w call xor_bit ;correct error andlw 0 ;z=1 end_cr ret _data1 equ _data+1 _data2 equ _data+2 _data3 equ _data+3 ;--------------------------------------- _get_data movff r3,_data movff r4,_data1 movff r5,_data2 movff r6,_data3 ret ;--------------------------------------- shl_data ;clc rlf r6 rlf r5 rlf r4 rlf r3 ret ;--------------------------------------- ; ret: r2 = crc_modul ;--------------------------------------- test_crc call _get_data clr r1 clr r2 movlf r7,31 t_cr0 call shl_data jnc t_cr1 movf r1,w call crc_data xorwf r2 t_cr1 incf r1 djnz r7,t_cr0 ret ;--------------------------------------- ; ret: r2 = crc_modul1 ;--------------------------------------- test_crc1 call _get_data clr r1 clr r2 movlf r7,31 t_cr01 call shl_data jnc t_cr11 movf r1,w call crc_data2 xorwf r2 t_cr11 incf r1 djnz r7,t_cr01 ret ;--------------------------------------- xor_bit movwf r2 andlw 7 movwf r7 rrf r2 rrf r2 rrf r2,w andlw 3 sublw _data+3 movwf fsr incf r7 clr r2 stc n_xo rlf r2 djnz r7,n_xo movf r2,w xorwf 0 ret ;--------------------------------------- crc_data3 sublw 31 ;--------------------------------------- crc_data2 movwf r0 addwf r0 addwf r0 ;r0=w*3+2 movlw 2 c_dats addwf r0 movlw 31 n_datc subwf r0 jc n_datc addwf r0,w jmp crc_data ;--------------------------------------- org 300h crc_poz addlw 30 crc_data addlw data_c-300h bsf pclath,0 bsf pclath,1 movwf pc data_c db 12h db 9 db 16h db 0bh db 17h db 19h db 1eh db 0fh db 15h db 18h db 0ch db 6 db 3 db 13h db 1bh db 1fh db 1dh db 1ch db 0eh db 7 db 11h db 1ah db 0dh db 14h db 0ah db 5 db 10h db 8 db 4 db 2 db 1 ;--------------------------------------- db 0 db 1 db 12h db 2 db 5 db 13h db 0bh db 3 db 1dh db 6 db 1bh db 14h db 8 db 0ch db 17h db 4 db 0ah db 1eh db 11h db 7 db 16h db 1ch db 1ah db 15h db 19h db 9 db 10h db 0dh db 0eh db 18h db 0fh ;--------------------------------------- end --0-1073365205-1117034925=:57509 Content-Type: text/plain; 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