Okay, per a thread from a few weeks ago, I'm redesigning to make robust ICSP a reality. My system will normally operate at 3.5V, so I need to isolate the PIC power supply from the remainder of the system. I was thinking about just sticking a diode in there, such that it would be reverse biased during programming and protect the rest of the supply rail from the voltage on the PIC. I was also thinking about using a Schottky. The more I think about that, the less I like it. Although the current draw on the PIC is minimal (very low power app), there's always that chance that something I do will have an unexpected side effect and cause the drop over the diode to exceed .3V, at which point the signal from the SPI peripherals exceeds Vdd+.3V, which is the limit specified by the datasheet. The only device that I really feel the need to protect is the regulator. It's a low power PMOS pass LDO, so if the output drops below the input, the parallel diode in the PMOS pass element will back-conduct, and there's no current limiter there. All the other devices are fine with a brief (or even not so brief) excursion to 5.5V for programming and verification. So what is the best way to protect my regulator? Three options spring to mind: 1. Series diode, forward biased during normal operation. Of course, this means my system voltage is not necessarily constant. I dislike it. 2. Reverse-biased Schottky from Vout to Vin. That way, in a situation such as programming where Vin = 0V, the diode conducts "around" the regulator, protecting it. Requires another reverse biased diode from Vin to gnd. Again, not sure I like it. 3. The "backwards PMOS" method, where a PMOS with its drain tied to gnd through a large resistor is hooked up "backwards" to the output of the regulator. In normal operation, it would appear as a small resistance, but since the current draw of the system is ~2mA at worst, that's not such a big deal. Sorry the post is so long, but I'd like to get it right this time. Anyone have any input on these ideas? Mike H. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist