REFERENCE:<> "My goal is to reduce EMI by changing 90 degree to 45 degree what is your goal ? Why did you show your board to us to check what? Why are you comparing light speed with pcb trace? Andre" Ok. This is getting strange. I wanted people to see my board and make suggestions, design improvements, and point out any glaring flaws. Which you all did, thank you. Apparently, people began commenting on the circuit itself, this is due to my inability to translate what I see on my hand soldered board to the PCB. This is my first PCB, and I want to make it right; however, its not rocket science and now the posts are becoming interesting...but unfocused SO HERE IS AN UPDATE: I've written down all the information and made changes such as: 1) inputs shorted to 5v. (its not on this way on my board, I just drew it wrong) 2) no bypass caps 3) traces too narrow. 4) 6V input to vreg is too low 5) The "big" cap should be at the input end of the regulator 6) schematics shows pin13 unconnected, but PCB has it connected. IF YOU HAVE ANY DIRECT specific issues that you can see and explain please feel free. Please follow Mr. Westfield's communication. He has been most nice to explain why things won't work properly, so I understand the changes. I'll be sure to post the final layout on the board. I can't and don't want to please all of you with the design, but I'll do my very very best. I LEARNED A LOT FROM THIS SITE TOO: (Ahhhh. pictures are worth a thousand words) Thank YOU, -- Alison p.s. I am going to a PIC workshop tomorrow, hopefully I can learn from there too. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at