Picers - sorry but i too am a bit of a newbie with the F87X pics. :( I keep getting "programming errors" reported when I send my code to a 16F877 using MPLAB/PICSTART. The program compiles OK, error-free, runs in DEBUG OK, then I programme it & pictstart comes back with .... PICSTART Plus Error Log File Device Type: 16F877 Errors during programming. Configuration bits not programmed. Program Memory Errors ;Hmmm. You get a list of good/Bad addresses but the bad'uns are all 0000. Not all that informative? Address Good Bad 0000: 20AB 0000 0001: 2902 0000 0003: 3FFF 0000 0004: 00A0 0000 ;My config commands look like so ... __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WRT_ENABLE_ON & _XT_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON & _BODEN_OFF & _WRT_ENABLE_ON & _LVP_OFF & _CPD_OFF ;The config bits in the picstart window after programming look like so ... changed them around some, no effect. OSC XT WDT OFF PWR UP TIMER ON CODE PROTECT ON BRWN OUT DETECT ON LV PRGRM DISABLED DATA EE PROTECT OFF FLASH WRITE ENABLED What's wrong? I thought the config settings in the script overide the Config window in Picstart? Missing something here - but what? Thankz if can help - Debbie H. :) Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies. http://au.movies.yahoo.com -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist