On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 13:30:27 -0800, James Newtons Massmind wrote: > > Apparently, warm beer causes a phobia for decimal points, so=20 > > instead of > > writing .001uF, the Brits like to write 1nF. I don't think it's a phobia for decimal points so much as a phobia for mu= ltiple zeros. Employers here=20 certainly seem to have that when deciding employees' salaries... I have to say that I didn't realise that others *didn't* use nF - as far = back as I can remember it's been used=20 here. The only change in units that I can remember is when Hz replaced c= /sec. It took me some time to find=20 out the conversion factor (pre-Internet of course) :-) As for "Warm Beer" - as a card-carrying member of CAMRA (the Campaign for= Real Ale, probably the most=20 successful consumer pressure-group) I have to correct the allusion. The = correct temperature to serve English=20 Ale is that of the cellar in which it is stored - which if it's built pro= perly tends to remain at about +10C=20 (50F) year-round without any interference. The reason it's not chilled i= s so that you can taste it - I=20 realise that most American beers don't actually have a taste (nor do most= "Eurofizz" pressurised beers=20 available over here) so cooling them to sub-zero doesn't make them any wo= rse, but frostbite isn't something=20 that I look forward to when I go for a drink! =20 And why is it you can't go for "a quiet drink" in the USA? Every bar see= ms to have multiple noise-sources=20 that make it hard to have a conversation. The worst one I found was a sm= all bar in California, in which they=20 had: televisions showing five different channels, one set of televisions = showing an online quiz, a jukebox,=20 and a Karaoke stage, all going at once! I can understand that some peopl= e want to feel like they're part of a=20 huge raucous crowd, but what about those who don't? There doesn't seem t= o be a single place that's designed=20 to allow a quiet, relaxing chat while drinking with a friend or two. Eve= n the ones that call themselves an=20 "English Pub" have the TVs and such (like the one near you, James - I can= 't remember its name but I think it's=20 on the south side of San Marcos Blvd. on the way from Fry's to the coast = - now I think about it, it may be=20 called The Churchill...). Oh, and for *the best* tasting beer, go to Burton-upon-Trent in the Midla= nds of England (Burton =3D Anglo-Saxon=20 "Beer Town") and find a Marston's pub. Have a pint of "Pedigree" from a = handpump, or better yet by gravity=20 straight from the barrel (if it's a Marston's pub and they haven't got a = pump with Pedigree on it, that's how=20 they serve it). You can get Pedigree in bottles, but it really isn't the= same, and the difference between=20 handpump and gravity-served is remarkable. =20 > The phobia of decimal points is caused by all the cases where the point= was > missed by someone reading the schematic or assembling the PCB. I person= ally > like the way the letter can be used in place of the decimal. E.g. 4.7K > written as 4K7. That is REALLY easy to read on a PCB silkscreen so you = don't > have users trying to find a 47 ohm resistor. >=20 > Warm beer is caused by using Lucas refrigeration. Or that is what my Da= d > told me after trying to get the A/C working in his '68 E-Type.=20 Air conditioning in an E-Type??? I am flabbergasted! Why not just open = the roof? Actually, while an E-Type=20 looks pretty, I don't like them. They are fine in a straight line, but o= nce you start doing any serious=20 cornering their handling tends towards that of an upright piano. Give me= a Lotus of that era any day - an=20 Elan Plus2 for example. The carbs need tweaking weekly, but I know how t= o do that so no problem! While I was=20 still at school I worked weekends in a garage that specialised in perform= ance cars, and my then-boss gave me a=20 lift in a Plus2 once - going round a roundabout at 70mph felt like you we= re sitting in an armchair at home -=20 amazing roadholding! As for Lucas, it's sadly their electrics that most cars here used to have= . I've had to replace enough of=20 their stuff on cars I've owned to build a complete electrical system from= scratch! And I've seen a Triumph=20 Stag that had to be completely rewired after a cable or two caught fire..= . mind you, my current car has had=20 problems too, and I think the electrics are Bosch - the switch for the he= ated mirrors just stopped working and=20 a new unit was about =A350. Luckily they'd implemented it using a small = microswitch of a standard size, so I=20 took it apart and replaced that myself and it's been fine since. Now the= re's just the intermittent interior=20 light and the door-that-won't-unlock to fix... > P.S. I inherited a 1956 XK-140 Coupe that I would like to sell to a tru= e Jag > collector. It is basically this car: > http://www.highwayone.com/Classifieds/Jaguar/BlackXK140.html but with a > black interior and yellow paint. And I expect to get something closer t= o > $20,000 rather than $80,000. Again very pretty, but not really my style (and I haven't got the money a= nyway!). Good luck finding a=20 suitable new owner. > Please change the subject line if you reply regarding Lucas, Beer, or > Jaguars. I assume this is an inclusive-or, so I've done so! Cheers, Howard Winter St.Albans, England --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist