hi All, I just spend a lost hour on a weird idea: controling a motor and detecting the load with minimum pin use. I'm interested if anyone else tried this kind of uncommon motor controlling, or knows any links concerning this subject. You can find the schematic here: http://oase.uci.kun.nl/~mientki/pic/jalcc/examples/example_motor.html I haven't looked into the circuit in detail, but most important questions at first sight seems to me - how to calculate components, so the PIC detects the desired maximum motorload - if larger motors are used, will the flyback current damage the PIC ? And of course, I want more ;-) - 2 digital pins to control the motor in both directions - detecting the exact speed, based on commutator pulses, with the same 2 digital pins Stef Mientki -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist