> No, this is a bad idea and you are running the PIC out of > spec. You are counting on the on resistance of the output > drivers in the PIC to limit the current. This can vary > between die shrinks, production lots, temperature, and how > recently someone waved a dead fish over it. That reminds me: My dad was an engineer at Hughes Semiconductor back in the days when transistors were about the biggest thing anyone made. They had a horrible problem with a photo resist layer that would not stick to the wafer. He found out that the night crew were using the ovens between metal deposition batches to heat up food and the oil from chicken, etc... Was coating the deposited material and later preventing adhesion of the resist layer. So how long it has been since someone waved a dead fish over it is, potentially, a very real concern. --- James. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist