I have an opportunity for an embedded or microcontroller expert in the NYC local area. I am looking for professionals who can do a quick and high quality turn around on a PIC RF project. This is a one week project ending Feb. 18th (yes its last minute, I was in another country when a fantastic opportunity presented itself). It should be about 20-30 hours and the pay is dependent on skills/prior experience. SKILLS: + Knowledge and understanding of RF (Radio Frequency Devices) + C/C++ Programming for ICs (Microchip PIC preferred) + Electrical engineering background + Soldering/Testing/Creating circuits + Examples of previous circuit work and projects + Understanding of power & current needs for circuits (Energy consumption and flow) + Neat and tidy soldering The person will work closely with me to take my prototype and schematics and figure out a better energy flow and seek improvements. The goal is to have it run on a 6V battery for 6 hours, move the project from basic stamp to PIC, reprogram it in C for the PIC, and work with me to put together proper PCB boards (which are pretty much done but will probably need improvements after the circuit rebuild) Please forward this to anyone who you feel is qualified. If you are interested email me your previous project Pictures and/or examples to job-59393090@craigslist.org Thank You, Alison __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. http://mobile.yahoo.com/maildemo -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist