>1) I plan to use the PIC18F1220's internal 8MHz oscillator and to > bit bang a PIC I/O pin for the UART TX part (just because it's > more fun to do so and because I won't have to cope with the > 1220's built-in UART's baud rate divisor limitations). I don't know what limitations you mean, but unless you specifically need to use the RX pin for something else, I would use the hardware uart. You do not say what language you are programming in, but if using the Microchip C18 compiler, there is a software uart module already there, as well as a hardware uart module. I would also look at having two way communication, and build in some form of "speed selection" that changes the analogue sampling rate, by sending commands from the PC. You may also want to have multiple channels that you can switch off/on, again from the PC. The internal oscillator should be perfectly adequate for baud rate generation given that the other end should be crystal controlled in the PC, so you can use pretty well all your frequency tolerance at the PIC end. >2) Use a full MAX232 or some diode/transistor-based hack? Consider > that communication is only one-way (from circuit to PC COM port). definitely use one of the MAX series chips, or one of the many clones. You will thank yourself in the long run, and they are readily available at low price. >3) Should I buffer the input with an op-amp? Yes, get yourself a quad rail-to-rail op amp. > So maybe I should really use a (FET input?) op-amp between my > circuit's input connector and the analog input pin of the PIC. > That would also help me add some gain to the signal. What type > of (not too hard to find) op-amp would do you suggest me for > this use? A rail-to-rail op amp, of which there are many to choose from will give you all this. There are also the possibility of changing the gain as well, another reason to have two way communication. Using a quad op-amp will allow you to have up to 4 channels which I am sure you will find a use for, even if you cannot think of one at this stage. >4) Would it be wise to power everything off the PC's RS232? Together > TX, RTS and DTR may give me at least 20mA even on a portable PC, No, get yourself a wall-wart, and properly filter and regulate it. You will thank yourself in the long run - think in terms of being able to disconnect the PC, and go do something else while your PIC keeps logging the data into internal EEPROM, as a later feature you can fit. Then come back some time later and download - another reason for two way comms. >5) I will put the circuit board into an aluminium box. Should I > ground it then? Also the input and RS232 connectors? I'm afraid You will need to have some sort on connection between the box and the ground side of the PIC. It may not need a direct connection, you may be able to have a 10k-100k resistor which should be a low enough impedance most of the time, but you may want to make provision for a direct connection using a switch to short out the resistor. >6) Anything I should be aware of and possibly (probably!) I ain't? See reasons above for two way comms, and possible enhancements like multiple channels and un-attended data capture. All easily added with absolutely minimal extra hardware, provided you think about it at the design stage. >Of course I will share the whole project (schematics, PCB, and info) >with the List once it's complete, running, tested and blown up! :D I am sure James would appreciate another project he can list on the piclist.com pages. >Oh my God.. there's smoke on the bench.. gotta close this post now.. >hurry up.. bye!! ;D Yeah, and here comes my boss ... -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist