Anyone seen this problem? Our Warp-13a programmer has started to fail programming PIC16LF876's on our PCB. Looking at the Data Line (RB7) I can see 0-5 V data interspersed with 0-2V or less data. (I haven't found out exactly when the lower voltages are happening and one of our server harddrives is down so I'll have to wait for that to come back up before I carry on). The strange thing is, if I remove the ICSP cable from the target board it still has the low level data. Even more strange is that if I put a PIC16F876 into the ZIF socket of the programmer, it programs perfectly and there are no low voltage data pulses. At one stage I did try our backup firmware PIC in the Warp13a and it still didn't program. The problem doesn't seem to be hardware because more than half the time the data pulses are perfect 0-5V. ______________________________________________________ The contents of this e-mail are privileged and/or confidential to the named recipient and are not to be used by any other person and/or organisation. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender and delete all material pertaining to this e-mail. ______________________________________________________ -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at