Several weeks ago I came across an interesting tip that allowed you to get trinary output from a single PIC pin. I couldn't think of a use for this at the time, but filed the idea away... I'm currently flushing out some ideas I have for a project that will require several H-bridges (somewhere between 4 and 8) and the trinary output idea popped back into my head -- but now I cannot locate the details. I believe the rough idea was that you switched the pin to output mode which would allow you to source or sink current. When the pin was switched to input mode, current was neither sourced nor sinked. This seems like it might be a good way to control an H-bridge. Not only would it allow forward/reverse/stop control from a single pin, but it provides a physical fail-safe against shorting out the bridge. (If two pins were used, a software error could enable both forward and reverse thereby shorting out the power supply and releasing lots of magic smoke!) I was wondering if anyone has done this before, though even a simple reference on trinary outputs would help. I believe my particular case may be a little more complicated, since I want to build my H-Bridges from discrete MOS components (unless someone can recomend a less expensive MOS bridge) and I'll believe I'll need a current-controlled device (bipolar transistor) to drive the power MOSFETS. If anyone happens to have any elegant drive solutions here, I'd love to hear of them! -p. _______________________________________________ PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at