This is great stuff. Jose Da Silva wrote: >On Friday 12 November 2004 12:02 pm, Bob Axtell wrote: > > >>Any ideas on how/what we need to do? In this way, we can accumulate >>links and notes from those very satisfied Linux gurus out there. >> >> > >What you want to do is "gradually" convert versus going at it "cold turkey". >To do this, you want to be able to make your computer dual-bootable so that >you can easily switch from one os to another, then slowly ween yourself >off-of one os and gradually switch over to the new one. > >What you DON'T want to do is drop everything off of your computer, install >linux then find out you got yourself in a bind because you are still missing >some "must have" windows applications. > >Expect this process to take months versus days. > >In my case, I've got a triple boot harddrive between os/2, win98 and linux, >but my suggestion to anyone who has not used linux before is to simply get >yourself a 2nd harddrive so that you have 2 harddrives on your machine. >Your original harddrive, do nothing to it, it stays as win2k or xp >Your 2nd harddrive, make 4 partitions on it, example 10g harddrive: >If you have an older computer, you may want to put-off running linux. linux >will run, but it would sort of like putting xp on a 100mhz computer.... >which means that it would run slow. >I would say, a 200mhz computer is at the bottom end of tolerable if you >decided to run the latest mandrake especially if you got ISA cards in it.... >A 300mhz+ machine with more than 128m of ram is way better. >1)split as win32 vfat partition of say 1g so that youu can share files >between windows and linux (linux is quite okay writing to vfat32... I don't >know the status of writing to ntfs... it was a problem in the past, plus >microsoft is going to hold the secrets of that filesystem as long as >possible to keep out the linux guys ;-) >2)next partition, make it your "/home", probably 2g+ is fine... most of the >document stuff end up in your "/home" >3)next partition is "/" for the rest of your drive... 6.75g, but leave a >little bit for your /swap file. >4)If you got lots of memory, you probably won't touch the swap file, however, >leave 256k for it anyways. > >My suggestion is go with an easy to use "Desktop" freindly linux... > >I haven't used SuSE, but it is also a recommended linux. > >After you have setup linux on the computer and got dual booting working, then >the next steps to conversion is to start choosing what you will start to use >to ween yourself off windows. >My recommendation, use the KDE desktop. >convert your email and browser and internet to use the KDE equivalents. >If you have trouble with KDE's browser "konqueror" you can always substitute >Mozilla or opera, hoewver, for the techno crowd, konqueror does quite well. >Setting up kmail is fairly straightforward too. this is rather dated now, but >it does show how easy it is to setup... > > >slowly... you'll start migrating more and more like spreadsheets and other >whatnot. > >On the windows side, you'll also want to become more and more familiar with >opensource apps so that migrating is easier and doesn't look so foreign when >you run the linux os partition. >to begin with, you start migrating to... > instead of internet explorer. > instead of using microsoft office. >...and slowly start substituting open source programs for your current >windows programs. >If you slowly migrate, you'll eventually find yourself rarely running your >windows partition.... you'll be down to a couple of must-haves, then a few, >then one,...then none. > > > >>I figure we have about 2 years before MS drops Win2K support, maybe >>5 before WinXP is dropped (Win98 was dropped last year). >> >> > >I believe Win98 support was reactivated another 5 years to keep the tail-end >or home users from converting to linux (which is better than you can say for >win2k or the business oriented versions of windows). > > I spent a week a month ago trying to upgrade a home Win98 system through Windows update, and never was able to update the first byte. I finally had to reformat the drive and install Win2K. --Bob >_______________________________________________ > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive >View/change your membership options at > > > > -- Note: Attachments must be sent to, and MAY delay replies to this message. 520-219-2363 _______________________________________________ PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at