An admin wrote anonymously via the list server: > Your subscription is to be moderated by a team of (hopefully) > impartial moderators. Posts which are unacceptable will rejected. > > I truly hope you can accept that and I do look forward to seeing your > brilliant and usually very helpfull answers on the list again. I don't really accept this kind of sensorship, and will refrain from responding to technical posts until this issue is resolved in a more suitable way, such as proposed at the end of this message. I do insist that any messages I post with this setup not be edited. Either block the entire message or let it pass thru whole. I am sending this single message for two reasons. First, I have tried to establish private communications, both via email and by phone, with admins but have not been successful. This is apparently the only channel open to me. Second, I see things being said about me and my situation that I feel are incorrect or at least can lead some to the wrong impression. Since others are allowed to talk about this subject, I don't see how I can be denied the chance to defend myself and make my own case. Before responding to particular statements made here, I want to comment on my response to Engineering Info. When I first read his post I actually laughed out loud at my monitor. My response was in this spirit of letting everyone see the humor. In hindsight, I should have thought more about it being insulting to Engineering Info, but at the time I guess I was laughing too hard. Yes, that was a mistake. I screwed up. Since coming back to the list in July, I had been careful not to cross the line, at least where I thought it was. I probably posted a few hundred messages, and none of them elicted any feedback from any admin except the last one. I still believe the admins' response was excessively harsh, and that there had been no previous evidence such a post was out of line. James Newton wrote: > For the record and for the last time: I did NOT remove Olin as a > result of Mr. Engineering Info's response. I removed Olin because he > said the guy was stupid. Or that his comment was stupid. And that was > the straw the broke the camels back. I did say the statement was "dumb", but said nothing about the person. This is an important distinction you yourself made on 17 July 2004: > If you make ONE disparaging remark about someone's PERSON as a result > of their POST, especially if it is their first, for no reason other > than it being stupid, I'll hit the button without warning, thought, > or concern. > Olin had been warned again and again. I'm not sure where this comes from. After coming back to the list in July, I received the single general warning quoted above. There were no other warnings of any kind, general or in response to specific posts, on list or off. > I have never deleted anyone from the list for one or even two slips > of the tounge as long as they have something to offer other than > questions. It takes either a full on FU or a long string of put-downs > over a period of months. Months ok? And that was after many, many > offlist and onlist warnings. Again, I don't feel this reconciles with my experience. If you did send me off list warnings, I honestly did not receive them. I could only find (and recall) the single on list warning quoted above. Herbert Graf wrote: > Tell me, aside from Olin and Mr. Eng, who else has been given a > warning for "edgy" behaviour on the PICLIST recently (make it 6 > months)? > > I know, checking my logs, the number of private warnings is very very > small. I was only on the list for 2 of those 6 months, but this agrees with what I've seen. However, then please don't say that I was given "many many offlist and onlist warnings". > Therefore, the problem is very very small. So then a less heavy handed means of dealing with it could be appropriate. Please see my suggestion at the end of this message. > 1. Aside from "Mr. Engineering", which I think all agree should have > been removed from the list, Olin has been the ONLY one recently > removed. I don't see why the removal of ONE SINGLE PERSON warrants a > complete shift in what the piclist is. I don't either. I think the reason there is so much discussion about my getting removed is that many perceived it as unfair. Note there is little discussion about Engineering Info getting removed, whom I think everyone agrees blantantly and deliberately crossed the line. > 2. People seem to forget that if we look at simply the one message > Olin made he would NOT have been removed. So there WAS a different standard applied. > The decision to remove Olin > was based on the messages from him within about a week of his > removal. There were several instances of "on the edge". What instances? This is the FIRST time I've received comment on any such messages. Why didn't you SAY something at the time. All this unpleasentness could have been so easily avoided. I wasn't trying to push any limits, and wasn't aware of being "on the edge". How exactly was I supposed to know this? > On top of > that Olin was already on the limb. He came back without being > invited, And what other option to get back on the list was there? I hadn't been invited back in 5 months, and didn't ever expect to be. > A third fact, which I will not elaborate on, but of which the admins > are aware of, is the reason I feel so strongly about the decision > still being absolutely correct. This is very troublesome to me! I know the PIClist isn't a court of law, but being convicted of violating a secret rule doesn't sound fair in any context. Even if you don't want to explain this publicly, why don't I have the right to know? How am I or anyone else supposed to live up to a rule they don't even know exists, let alone what it is!!!? > Now, I don't like talking about people behind their back, but in this > case I believe I had to to get the point across. I don't feel this was talking behind my back at all. In any case, I think much of the trouble regarding this issue could have been avoided with a little more communication. I am glad that some of your thoughts are now in the open, and hope you will continue to let us know what you think in the future. And now for my suggestions: The admins' stated objective in policing the list is to keep the signal to noise ration high, and to eliminate flame wars and reduce bandwidth talking about admin decisions like someone getting kicked off. I agree with these objectives. Since they are volunteers, the overall workload on the admins must also be taken into account in deciding on a mechanism to meet these objectives. The primary tool for dealing with objectionable posts lately has been simply deleting the poster. I submit that this has not worked very well when measured against the objectives stated above. Yes, it is a simple method in the immediate term, but leads to much wasted bandwidth and admin time responding to it when the action is perceived (rightly or wrongly) to be unfair by many list members. Therefore, a better solution: 1) Clear communication by the admins when they see something they don't like on the list. A message when a post is "on the edge" may seem like a small bother at the time, but it will more than pay back in fewer bigger bothers later. It is better to comment about a message that is not actually out of line but close, than to be forced to deal with one over the line later. 2) Warnings should be public, not off list. One public warning gives 2000 people a better idea of what is acceptable. This in itself will reduce the need for future warnings. 3) When someone does cross the line, delete them but **for a fixed time**. I suggest appropriate times to be a few days to a month, depending on the level of the offense as judged by the admin doing the deleting. For example, a deliberate FU would get a month, something like my post calling a statement dumb (but not the person) maybe a week. This recognizes that nobody is perfect and anyone can slip up on occasion, but still allows the admins to make a strong statement to objectionable posts. I imagine the list server does not have a mechanism to delete someone for a specific time period, but that is not necessary. When someone is deleted, they are told they are not allowed to come back for XX days. If they do, then they can be permanently banned. However I doubt that would ever happen. If I had been deleted and told I couldn't come back for a week, I would have accepted it quietly. In the end it's not that big a deal, but I would not want to be banned for a week on a regular basis, and would be more careful to make sure it didn't happen. Since this is also a more proportional and non-permanent approach, people will be less upset if they don't think it's fair. After all, the problem will fix itself in a while. While this may seem like I'm asking the admins to do more work, it is actually less work in the aggregate. The current case is a good example. I made one post pointing out something was dumb. Mr EI responded with a blatant obscenity. There were a few posts telling EI that he was out of line, but those died down when it became clear he was delted. If I had not been deleted, a few more posts would probably have told me I was being a bit rude to EI, and then that would have died down too. What caused the large amount of messages, and therefore admin time to read and sometimes respond to them, was my getting deleted. I think this was because many perceived it as unfair. If I had called EI an idiot and asked if his mommy knew he was using the 'puter again, I doubt there would have been much discussion about the issue since most would have felt my getting deleted was justified. Granting that the admins have the right to set the rules, the ruckus was therefore caused by many people having an incorrect perception of the rules coupled with the severity of the punishment. My suggestions above would have avoided the ruckus in several ways, while still protecting the list from unwanted posts. First, a warning from Herbert to whatever post he felt was close to but not over the line would have given everyone a better idea of where the line was. This would have eliminated much discussion if I later did cross over that line. Second, I would have known I was getting near the line and would have tried to avoid crossing it. Third, even if I did post the same message without thinking and some people still felt it was unfair I got deleted, they wouldn't be all that upset knowing that the whole incident would be over in a week. I doubt there would have been much if any discussion on the matter. In the above scenario, the list would have been protected, a strong statement would still have been made about the objectionable post, little if any discussion would have ensued, and much less admin time and aggrevation would have been spent. In other words, I think it would have been a win for all. I honestly don't see a downside. On another issue, forcing some people and newcomers to be filtered thru moderators is a bad idea. First, that type of "babysitter" attitude is insulting and I can't imagine anyone putting up with it. Like I said, I'm only posting this one message because I have no other means, and will not answer technical questions under these conditions. Second, it will really put off newcomers. If I was new to the PIClist, and was told "we're assigning you a baby sitter until we're convinced you're not a jerk", I probably would have thought to myself "F this", and walked away. Third, the list server delays are annoying enough as it is without moderator delays added on top of that. Anyway, this is meant as a sincere and serious suggestion, and I hope it will be considered as such. My apologies to whatever moderator had to read thru all this blah blah. ***************************************************************** Embed Inc, embedded system specialists in Littleton Massachusetts (978) 742-9014, _______________________________________________ View/change your membership options at