Hi, I send this mail 2 days ago, but it doesn't seem to show up although I have received mails that were send to the PIC List today, so I figured my mail went missing. Anyway, here's the original message: This is probably a pretty stupid question, but I'd rather ask it than have problems later. I just wrote my first PIC code. It was a lot easier than I expected it too be, I think that most the code was finished after 1 hour and I just spend my last 2 hours simulating the code and changing & adding little things. The PIC will check for water using 3 sensors and if there's water detected it will turn on a waterpump for at least one minute. The PIC I'm using is a PIC12C509A. That's the background info, on to the real question now. If MPLAB simulates the code and everything works, can I be 100% sure that the code will behave the same way on the PIC? I'm asking since the PIC12C509A is an OTP device, so I have to be pretty sure that it will work the same as simulated when I burn it. Regards, Anthony Website: http://members.lycos.nl/anthonyvh --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today! _______________________________________________ http://www.piclist.com View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist