On Sat, 2004-10-02 at 18:36, Adam Woodworth wrote: > > Which PIC are you using? Which programmer? What are your fuse settings? > > PIC16F84A. EPIC programmer. I'm setting XT, watchdog enable, unprotect, > and power up enable in the C source file. I'm using the Odyssey > programming software in Linux. If I pull the .hex file generated by > Hi-Tech C over to my Windows box and use the EPIC programming software on > it, there's no difference. Hmm, sounds like then you've got a wiring mistake, power issue, reset issue or your oscillator isn't good (bad crystal, wrong caps). > > Huh? "high" and "low" aren't defined in gpasm AFAIK, a 0 is a 0, a 1 is > > a 1, a 1 on a port pin will cause it to go to Vh, what did you observe > > to make you think differently?? > > In gpasm, the following turns a pin high (at least for me): > > movlw 0 > tris PORTB > movlw 0x00 > movwf PORTB That simply isn't possible, how do you know the pin is "high"? Are you sure it's high and not "tristate"? Try putting a 10k resistor to ground on the pin and see if it still reads high. > At any rate, even with a while(1); at the end of main(), the PIC still > doesn't light up the LED. Which sounds to me like the PIC either isn't being programmed (does the could verify correctly?) or the PIC isn't running to code. Try changing to RC mode, right now you don't care about timing accuracy, RC mode will almost certainly get the PIC going. What do you have attached to MCLR? ----------------------------- Herbert's PIC Stuff: http://repatch.dyndns.org:8383/pic_stuff/ _______________________________________________ http://www.piclist.com View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist