> Which PIC are you using? Which programmer? What are your fuse settings? PIC16F84A. EPIC programmer. I'm setting XT, watchdog enable, unprotect, and power up enable in the C source file. I'm using the Odyssey programming software in Linux. If I pull the .hex file generated by Hi-Tech C over to my Windows box and use the EPIC programming software on it, there's no difference. > Huh? "high" and "low" aren't defined in gpasm AFAIK, a 0 is a 0, a 1 is > a 1, a 1 on a port pin will cause it to go to Vh, what did you observe > to make you think differently?? In gpasm, the following turns a pin high (at least for me): movlw 0 tris PORTB movlw 0x00 movwf PORTB > On a PIC you have NO OS, there is no such thing as your program > "exiting", your program is the only thing the PIC knows, it is the PIC's > universe. I understand how a PC works. I guess I was just figuring that there would exist some "exit" instruction on the PIC and when it reached that instruction it would set a bit somewhere in the PIC that would inform the PIC to just do nop's forever. But now I know I'm completely wrong. :) Thanks for the information! At any rate, even with a while(1); at the end of main(), the PIC still doesn't light up the LED. > Just wait until you hit your first compiler bug, if you know nothing of > PIC ASM and it's "interesting" architecture you WILL be lost. Fortunately I know enough about assembly to have a vague idea of what's going on in a PIC assembly file. :) Adam _______________________________________________________________________ Adam Woodworth SMTP : adam@mirkwood.com HTTP : http://www.mirkwood.com HAM : N1ZNN _______________________________________________ http://www.piclist.com View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist