Alex Harford wrote: > I think there is a bit of a typo in the URL.... , > unless the Virginia Police have something to do with this... >=20 > :) >=20 > Off on a tangent here, I've been working with wxWindows during this > past week and it is a very nice gui library, much cleaner than MFC.=20 > Plus you get cross platform code! >=20 > Alex >=20 Do you have problems to reach the server? The URL is correct. Should be=20 Virginia Police and VSCP hmm... Virginia State Police.... Can't fit in=20 the "C"... help me.... "Civil"....??? I also like the wxWidgets library very much and its so easy to get=20 started with. Consistent and clean. Julian Smart and others did a great=20 work on this during the years, quite old now. I wanted to use the QT=20 toolkit but they does not seem to have something open for Windows. Regards /Ake --=20 --- Ake Hedman (YAP - Yet Another Programmer) eurosource, Brattbergav=E4gen 17, 820 50 LOS, Sweden Phone: (46) 657 413430 Cellular: (46) 73 84 84 102 Company home: Kryddor/Te/Kaffe: Personal homepage: Automated home: _______________________________________________ View/change your membership options at