NB: I've no personal complaint against Lee at all. I'd just like to make some comments on his comments. Certainly don't want to annoy or abuse in any way: Lee said - > Olin's latest "transression" was to make a humorous comment when > someone else made a careless error. I think you would be wise to preface that thought with "I think that ... ":-) Certainly, when I first read it I felt the cutting force of the comment and I thought that it would have felt far worse to the person who wrote the original helpful albeit erroneous response. (Which in no way excuses his reply). It was only on subquent re-reading that the relative humour of it became clearer. Olin on a relatively good day. > I think James over-reacted and should not have done this. I think that you would be wise to make that "I think all the admins on this list ..." as they have told us that they acted in concert. [You could also suggest at the same time that all their mothers wear army boots so you can be sure you got their attention.] I think that it would also be wise to read all the comments that the admin have made on this so far. I would rather that they hadn't done what they did - even though I deplore Olin's ongoing indiscretions. But the only way to avoid having list admin do things that you don't like is to run your own list. Various people have set out to do this from time to time, and I'm not aware that any have had any great success or longevity. Overall this list is about the best there is (IMHO of course) and you've got to take the good with the bad to some extent. If you want to be consulted the next time this sort of thing happens it's easily arranged - I believe there is always a shortage of people willing to do admin jobs :-). The hours are poor and the pay is worse, but at least the perks are terrible. > Anyone self-important enough to title themselves "Engineering > Info", should make sure their posts are correct. And if not, then > take any corrections with good grace. Even people with unfortunate pseudonyms deserve equitable treatment until they demonstrate otherwise. > If you're going to speak in front of a large public audience, > you have to either be (1) right > or (2) thick skinned. NO! That's important. Possibly the most important part of this whole affair. This is not meant to be your average internet list where people with super egos and vast knowledge lord it over the meek and uninformed. The intended ethos is that it be something like a family where all can share and learn. Not quite written down that way perhaps, but if you look at admin comment over time you'll find it's consistent with that. Beginners are intended to feel welcome and to find a source of help and encoragement. Maybe not quite a place of solace and a supply of warm milk, but certainly not school of hard knocks and shut up while your betters speak. You may feel that the admin have captured the list and are making it too PC. If you want to be influential in helping correct the error of their ways there's positions available. > This person _way_ over-reacted to Olin's > flippant correction. I think most agree that his reaction was excessive. I do. It certainly didn't do him any good. Russell McMahon _______________________________________________ http://www.piclist.com View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist