!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please) All ze children must play nicely together und not make ze fuss ven vun or dee udder iss perhaps overly rude!!! * Or we will all end up sounding like US voters debating whether Florida was won fairly or not. Failure to comply vill result in us all havink all our toys taken away. Olin was rude. Big deal. By all means flame him off list. Or remonstrate less rudely on list. He must enjoy this as he persists in doing such things regardless of consequence. But as rudeness goes, it wasn't much. It was ALMOST worthy of being called flippant. Past history helps one filter such things. And being ultra rude back to Olin alone is between him and you. But why lower yourself to his level / or perhaps, why not lift yourself above his level. And why cut off your nose to spite your face. I know of at least one list member who issued a similar challenge to list admin and they quite rightly responded to his request. But I also know that he regretted having dome so subsequently. Why do you think that you (or I, or Olin, or ....) should be "allowed" to severely transgress rules of reasonable and polite behaviour when we want? Wouldn't take long before we sounded like many of the other unmoderated internet lists. Who gains. And why do you think that being rude to EVERYONE else on the list is the proper way to respond to Olin's rudeness. I personally am not offended - it makes no sense for me to be - but you attitude was one of causing offence and ensuring that as many people as possible shared in it. I would hope that you would agree that that has to be a short lived behaviour pattern. Insisting that "I will treat him in a VERY VERY VERY rude way." will give you one or two brief moments of glory and self justification, and then you die. Olin will continue on and you will have an indefinite period of time to feel sorry for yourself. Olin wins. Is that the intended strategy? And you have to admit that it was a stupid thing to write. I don't know about you but I manage to say/do/write at least some stupid things every day. Never a miss. 54 weeks in a year - I'm sure I can do better than that many days. It's part of being human. Accepting graceless derisive comment from someone else without demur when we do such things is part of being a "better" human. Responding more rudely than they takes you down their path. Not always advice I follow, of course, but worth doing as well as one may. (Quite apart from the fact that the boss says that it's the way to go). have fun! Russell McMahon * with due apologies to whatever mock language group this mock language happens to resemble. No mocking intended. _______________________________________________ http://www.piclist.com View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist