Don't know who TEK is but the 9254 is probally the date code (54th week of 1992). The 562-300012 sounds very much like it could be an internal part number to the company. It is very common for companies to program a microprocessor or FPGA or to take some other part and put their own part number on it. If this is the case, the only chance to get a new part is to find TEK and get the part from them. Since the part was made back in 1992, the chances of that part being obsolete and no longer available is also great. Dennis Crawley wrote: >A week or two ago, a huge lightning strike over Buenos Aires, and one chip >of a telephone switcher just almost disappears. I've look for it, but I've >failed. >Perhaps somebody is in touch with the manufacturers. > >The telephone switch is: >Southwestern Bell Telecom >Model DKS-924 >Key Service unit >Made in Indonesia > >The Motherboard in which the chip is, >is labeled: 613A021315-C > >The chip have this signs: >TEC-9254 >562-300012 >(100 pins) > >Thank you in advance, for any help. > >Dennis Crawley. > >PS: the firm who import this thing has gone,... as almost eveyone. :) > > >_______________________________________________ > >View/change your membership options at > > > > _______________________________________________ View/change your membership options at