At least one list member believes that moral absolutes do exist in a Godless universe. They sent me this offlist so i won't identify them, but the comments are worth passing on. There's nothing personal here so I imagine this won't be a problem. (responses like this would be much better on list if possible). I had written: >1. All seem to agree that in a GU (Godless Universe) all morals, >standards, meaningfulness, concepts of right and wrong and similar are all >relative. Each person must necessarily establish their own standards. "Anonymous respondent" :-) replied: ___________________________________ Sorry, I don't agree. At all. I don't believe in your christian/catholic god, and at the same time I KNOW there's an absolute moral code. Also, this issue is old (by historic standards). Perhaps a visit to the library is in order ? You can try Spencer's Social Statics. You might interpret that book as proving your point. (I don't) So, go ahead with your wrong premises if you wish. Starting off from a mistake can logically get you anywhere... ______________________________________ I have asked them why they believe this personally as I would be genuiinely interested in knowing. Reading what x or y person has written is not the point - what gets out into people's herats and minds is of interest. Note (again, again) that this is using the supposition that there is NO CREATOR. Not just no Christian God but no God whatsoever external to the universe. The universe "just happened" all by itself. (This of course is not my personal position - just for the purposes of discussion, to match the universe view that many have). RM _______________________________________________ View/change your membership options at