BEST PAPER ON GLOBAL WARMING THAT YOU ARE LIABLE TO SEE ANY TIME SOON. Ed said > This is the one that I had looked at before with the compelling graphics: > **** IF you think Global Warming is utter rubbish, **** BUT you are prepared, with an open mind, to read ONE short paper **** that might at least make you wonder, **** then this is probably the paper for you. This is an utterly superb example on this subject, because. - Totally respected US research establishment (Woods Hole) Not a greenie hot bed. - Written by director of institute Very well respected scientist. Good scientific record Well qualified academically and practically. - Relatively recent paper (Jan 27 2003) - Populist level but well reasoned, well illustrated. DOESN'T claim to be correct with certainty (an essential feature). Plausible. Disturbing. Read it!!!!!! Note that this THEORY explains how quite minor effects of GW MIGHT trigger major global climate changes including ice-age type effects over very short periods. These effects may not be able to be reversed by man (or woman :-) ). It explains what measurements are available that appear to confirm the theories predictions. NB - as always, many question this THEORY. Many also find it persuasive. IF he's right then we are at severe risk. Any who would reject this out of hand without careful consideration are dangerous people who you should not stand too close to :-) (Niven's 2nd law). For more on this in general: > Google on thermohaline & atlantic conveyor > "atlantic conveyor" thermohaline = 345 hits > "atlantic conveyor" thermohaline 2004 = 102 hits For more on this man's up to date ideas specifically, Google on robert gagosian woods hole global warming 2004 498 hits Russell McMahon -- hint: To leave the PICList