I'm sure that a solution using integrated balanced front end amplifiers, as many people suggest, is a low development and construction pain route, but it is unlikley to be as cheap as less integrtaed alternatives. There are vast numbers of op-amp based differential amplifier solutions out there. An utterly superb place to look for application notes for all things analog is Linear technolgies app note library. Publications generally http://www.linear.com/pub/ Application notes http://www.linear.com/pub/doc_group.html?pub_type=app _____________________________________________ Misc app notes of variable usefulness Analog Devices SSM2135 dual single supply audio opamp Available digikey. Not overly cheap. Some good ideas in data sheet though. http://www.analog.com/UploadedFiles/Data_Sheets/527742802SSM2135_0.pdf AD AN115 - balanced low noise microphone amplifier design. Cheating again !!!! :-) Sounds to be exactly what you want EXECPT not single supply as shown. http://www.datasheetarchive.com/cgi-bin/q.php?pi=2261 _____________________________________________ Large number of audio amplifier ccts Most (?all) the below came via here) http://www.discovercircuits.com/A/a-audioamp.htm Low noise balanced microphone preamp - split supply http://sound.westhost.com/project66.htm Totally OTT FEt preamp just for interesty - +/-24v ! http://www.borbelyaudio.com/index32.htm How the professionals do it. They cheat ! :-) - INA163 front end !!! http://www.rane.com/pdf/ms1bsch.pdf -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.