Long have I watched this thread without comment, but I feel I should say SOMETHING, since I find it such a fascinating "thought experiment". First of all, the odds of detecting even a fairly powerful radio transmission across interstellar distances drop off staggeringly fast. Think about how dim a star is even across only a few light years. Now consider the power of your local ABC/BBC/ whoever affiliate related to that star. Even well short of another star the signal would be hopelessly dim. But then, we are listening with fairly big ears... As for an alien race assaulting us, I would tend to think that by the time a race can manage interstellar travel, it would be far more lucrative for it to mine out asteroid belts and uninhabited planets than to muck about with places that had life (intelligent or otherwise), since alien life would represent a possible threat which could be easily sidestepped with the planet it's stranded on (see the microbes in "War of the Worlds"). Mike H. _________________________________________________________________ Planning a family vacation? Check out the MSN Family Travel guide! http://dollar.msn.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu