> >I'm not sure how well they actually protect "Engineer", but > >"Professional Engineer" is definitely a no-no if you don't > >have the papers and dues paid up to date. Not long ago a guy > >in Florida was whining about being taken to court by the State > >association- he was selling real estate and was claiming he > >was an Engineer to increase his status- he lost, of course. In New Zealand I am, and have for many years, been a Professional Engineer. I have for several decades been, but recently stopped being, a "Registered Engineer" as this title has recently been captured by those to whom status and old school tie is more important than capability. To have remained as an RE I would have had to have joined the appropriate body, attended regular formally recognised retraining or ongoing training courses, kept formal logs of same and generally bowed and scraped to the appropriate self perpetuating body. And also paid annual fees in excess AFAIR of ten times what I previously paid to maintain my RE registration. While for some, such membership is vital to their career, for me the game was not worth the candle. As many here would realise, I appreciate the need for retention of capability and for continuing learning about new areas of relevance to my job (and many new areas of total irrelevance as well). But I have not the time or inclination to dance to these pipers, or pay the pointless fees required to have them regulate me. Ironically, I am still, under act of parliament, a "qualified person" in the areas of importance to me. Such a recognition has not been extended to more newly qualified engineers under the act and they will now be functionally less permitted to act in practical manners in areas of electrical activity than are eg electricians. Maybe I should add "QP" to my card :-) In NZ it used to be that only Doctors and people with PhDs could call themselves Doctors. Some years ago dentists also started doing it - on what basis I do not know. It seems to be considered official now. So that's one up for the dentists and one down for the qualified persons. RM -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics