The BEST way to use the demo boards is to install 0.025"sq .1"ctr strips into the active IO port holes, then use wirewrapped connections. Most people today are unfamiliar with wirewrap, but the method is a very reliable way to make temporary, reuseable connections. This makes the demo cards endlessly reuseable; I have some from 10 years ago, as pristine today as the day I bought them. You can google up wirewrap tools and sources. --Bob Lindy Mayfield wrote: > How do people normally work with the IO ports on PIC demo boards? I have been soldering wires from the ports on the demo board and plugging them into a bread board as needed. Is this correct, or is there a better way? > > The board looks strange with all those wires hanging from it. > > Thanks, > Lindy > -- Replier: Most attachments rejected -------------- Bob Axtell PIC Hardware & Firmware Dev 1-520-219-2363 -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See