I've been really trying to get going with WinAVR but I keep hitting stupid little issues. Now when I run make I get this: C:\WinAVR\examples\twitest>make avr-gcc -O -g -Wall -ffreestanding -mmcu=atmega128 -c -o twitest.o twitest.c twitest.c:17:22: no include path in which to find inttypes.h twitest.c:18:19: no include path in which to find stdio.h twitest.c:19:20: no include path in which to find stdlib.h twitest.c:21:20: no include path in which to find avr/io.h twitest.c:22:47: no include path in which to find avr/twi.h Why the hell didn't the intaller set this all up? Do people really tolerate an install that is as useless as this? Hopefully it's something simple that I'm doing wrong. Thanks for any help. ---------------------------------- Herbert's PIC Stuff: http://repatch.dyndns.org:8383/pic_stuff/ -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body