Here's a response from my friend Ken Mardle re my comments on the quality of HP products. Ken runs a very capable electronic development company which uses a large range of test equipment. RM ______________________________ Russell, Concur wholeheartedly on all points. We have HP, Tek, Philips/Fluke, and Wavetek gear (plus some other more specialised stuff). Agilent make the best general purpose DMM (the HP34401A). Nothing else come close. Their low-end Arb (HP33120A) is less impressive and I understand now has a bigger brother. Overall Tek make the best scopes (but have a stupid philosophy re add-ons and interfaces). HP try very hard and in a couple of instances overtake Tek with extra features but IMHO the basic scope engine is not as good. Le Croy make some very nice scopes too but you need deep pockets. Tek make some very nice high-end logic analysers but very little else that I would be very interested in. Agilent have by far the widest and deepest product range in all other categories (except handheld stuff). Philips/Fluke make some very nice handheld gear (although in my experience their flagship Scopemeter products have been a great disappointment). We have a Philips/Fluke logic analyser which is in everyday use and while now rather elderly was once far and away the best logic analyser in its class. I have four HP printers and suspect their marketing guru probably learned his trade selling crack cocaine - get em hooked with a $99 engine and then charge more than that for each set of cartridges. Then when after-market people start to take some of the action embed technologies in the cartridges which cannot cost-effectively be duplictaed and hike the price even further. Sad thing is they are very nice printers, and I have never seen much evidence that the printers from the other guys in the game are substantially cheaper to run. You also forgot to mention that most of HP's software for the office products is a cruel joke. The software for the their scanner I have at home (can't remember the model) is almost usable, but that for the G85 combo we have at work is completely useless - so much so that it now is only used as a stand-alone fax machine. Regards, Ken Mardle -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body