Alan B. Pearce wrote : > Jan-Erik has documented the loops to go through to run the > batch file direct from Ultraedit, on his website. Hi. I'd just like to add, that this is nothing "fancy". It's just UE's builtin way of putting a user supplied command as a "button" in UE's toolbar. I just put defined a button that runs a BAT file that runs a MAKE tool to rebuild the app. I also checkmark "automatic save of all files" when defining the button, so there is no separate "save" step. The linked BAT file also runs XWisp, so the app gets re-built and the PIC re-programmed with a single "click" inside UE. Any error output is automaticly loaded into a separet window in UE... > he also has a very nice PDF version of > Olin's documentation. > > > He he, thanks ! Maybe time to checkout if there have been any updates to Olins envir. It's a but hard to know, these days... :-) :-) Jan-Erik. -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body