Hi all, Thanks for all the suggestions on the seven segment display. But now I = have some questions using the abovementioned LCD. I was wondering if someone on the list has managed to get this to work = and could answer some of my questions. First, supply voltage: The datasheet of the PCD8544 says it needs 2.7V - 3.2V. However I've = seen some examples on the web where people have driven it directly with 5V. (http://users.skynet.be/bk317494/001/001.htm). Is it 'safe' to run it at = 5V for supply and logic input levels? I guess I could just run the PIC at 3.2V (16F628) which would solve both = the supply and logic level issue. But if I do need to run the PIC at 5V, = what would be a good way to convert the logic levels between the LCD and the = PIC? Second, pinouts. I've seen some conflicting information on the pinouts of the LCD screen This diagram shows Pin 1 on the left, with the connector facing up and = the display facing away from you: http://users.skynet.be/bk317494/datasheet/nokia_3310_LCD.jpg This diagram shows Pin 1 on the left, with the connector facing down and = the display facing away from you: http://serdisplib.sourceforge.net/ser/pcd8544.html (Type 1) This diagram shows Pin 1 on the right, with the connector facing up and = the display facing forward. http://sandiding.tripod.com/lcd.html All of them has the descriptions of the pins the same, but the second diagram has the pinouts numbered from the opposite side. Which ones are correct? Thirdly, testing. Is there a way to test the LCD (the 8 pin one). Without clocking it, = just connecting power, should something happen, or do I need to actually = clock and give it data to turn on. ____________ Andr=E9 Miller =09 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.