Edward, The LED is actually representative of a bunch of LEDs in series. I can't get into too much detail, NDA issues, but I just turned the power on with no load connected and they "popped". I basically had the output connected to a DVM to verify it was switching, so no real load was on. Steve >>> gisske@OFFEX.COM 3/19/2004 10:05:03 AM >>> Steve, You need a current limiting resistor in series with the LED string. The value should be (Vs-Vled)/ILed where Vs = source voltage (160V for you), Vled = roughly (2.1V) * (#of leds). ILed is the desired LED current. Try .02 for a start. Wattage of the resistor should be ILed squared times the resistor value. Regards, Edward Gisske, P.E. Gisske Engineering 608-523-1900 gisske@offex.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.