On Wed, 3 Mar 2004 18:44:44 -0000, Mike Hawkshaw wrote: ::I doubt that comment would stand up in a UK court. With due respect to the 2 or 3 Australians on this board, I have= to say Mike, that you obviously haven't seen the Oz attitude to this= type of thing - maybe as a foreigner I'm more likely to notice. My last place in the UK it took 4 people and 2 days to test every= piece of equipment. This electrician is a contractor, and frankly the attitude is,= You (that's me) don't possess a Restricted Electrical Licence, so you= don't know what you're talking about, along with 'what the eye= don't see, the heart don't grieve'. Strangely enough the parent company is a UK one, think mobile= phone base station diplexor/filter manufacturer, and the MD is also English, but when in Rome etc. I won't bore with my rant about the earthing standard by a= qualified sparky in my house. Colin -- cdb, bodgy1@optusnet.com.au on 04/03/2004 I have always been a few Dendrites short of an Axon and believe= me it shows. Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear= bright until they speak! -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.