The one blooper I made with Olimex (at least I think it's my blooper) is that many of the hole sizes for the parts ended up being too small. I use the default sizes for standard parts like DIP16 etc. I had to re-drill many of the holes. It was only 14 boards with about 50 holes or so that needed to be re-drilled per board. But when you add that up it's 700 holes to drill by hand. Next time I send a board out to them I will measure every pin with the calipers a re-check all my holes! Previously I used ExpressPCB and their software and did not have any of these problems. On the positive side... I got 14 1-sided boards (about 2" x 5" for less than 100$ U.S.) Which came up to be quite a bit less than anywhere else I looked at. >Sorry if anyone feels these questions are answered in help or online >files, I just want to hear some personal feedback from anyone who have >used Olimex or similar to make their first PCB recently! I just don't >want to throw away money or look like an idiot.... -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body