I have a question about the 6 amp diode actually. I put in the diode in case the power and ground were connected backwards. Is this diode really needed? The only reason I ask is I need to connect more lights (about 10 amps worth) and this is the limiting factor. It's mounted on the PCB and anything bigger will be a TO-220 or stud mounted device -- ugly and cumbersome but doable. (view only with fixed-pitch font) +12 | --- \ / 6 Amp diode --- | x---x--------------x | | / | [1K] /-- | | /\ 15V S | | | |--x P-channel MOSFET x---x---------| | IRF5305 | |--x [1K] D | | | | x------x PIC |/ | | o-----[Rg/Rb]----| --- | |\E / \ {incandescent lamps - 5 Amps total} | --- | | | | 0V-----------------x-----------x------x P.S. -- Thanks to Sphero for most of this diagram from an earlier mail! Bill -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu