Regarding: Wow! This looks like a great product for a college-level, Electrical Engineering program. But for my high school students who may only take one microcontroller course, it's too expensive. The search continues. Perhaps this group can define 'the' ideal pic trainer. (Full agreement is unlikely, but everyone's comments are always interesting). Here's my list: o 16F and 18F compatable o Built-in programmer connected to host through USB or RS232 o Cost to schools < U.S. $100 o Simple to use chip programming software o ICSP connector (to program chips on other boards) o Pushbutton switches o Eight LEDs (bi-colour preferred) o 2, 7 Segment LEDs o 2 X 16 LCD display o RS-232 level shifted DB-9 connector o 4, 10, 20Mhz Xtal o 32.768Khz xtal option for Timer1 o 3 X 4 matrix keypad o H-bridge or servo connectors or IC sockets o Jumpers to connect peripherals to PIC ports o small breadboard space (perhaps offer this on a more advanced, 'Plus' version). Is this feasable; particularily at the $100 price? Some things are missing but the cost is key for my school. If it can't be done what should come out of the design? What else should be added? Your thoughts? Andrew ________________________________________________ Get your own "800" number Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more ---- On , Antonio Sergio Sena (asena@PRIMETEC.PT) wrote: > Hello Jan, greetings, > > i found that what you want to do is very interesting. > I myself gave a course on PICs, for a class of teatchers that will teach > youngsters, and got a good feedback. Its always nice to be involved in this > kind of activities. > > As you are in doubdt of the hardware to use, let me give a light on what i > have to present to you. > It may be of your interest. > > This is the main page for the Development Kit, > > > From the root page. > > > I would like to hear some feedback from you, as it may bring some thoughts > and ideas, probably some considerations. > Many thanks > > Antonio Sergio Sena > -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.