> But the F84 isn't the most basic flash PIC any more. If I would select a cheap beginners PIC it would be the 16F630. Much cheaper than a 16F84, use it with the internal oscillator and reset, and it has only one pin less than a 16F84. Losing those 2 (resonator) or 4 (crystal) external components more than offsets that one pin. But my real advice for a PIC beginner is to choose 18F (ease of programming, advanced peripherals) and start with an 18F452, or choose 16F (downward migration to smaller, cheaper chips) and start with a 16F877A. Wouter van Ooijen -- ------------------------------------------- Van Ooijen Technische Informatica: www.voti.nl consultancy, development, PICmicro products -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.