>I must have been quoted for something more than just a basic >ICD2. I'll look into it. It's a little academic at the moment as the >PS+ upgrade will do for the time being. Not having any major >problems with current projects and those in the In Tray aren't >rocket science (but not drudgery either, you understand) Farnell UK quote three different forms of ICD2. 1. basic ICD2 with USB cable. Looks like it might be Microchip model DV164005 2. ICD2 with USB and Serial cables and power supply, looks like Microchip model DV164007, Farnell 395-6477, UKP129.99 3. ICD2 kit as (2) plus picdem 2+ kit, looks like Microchip model DV164006, Farnell 386-6397, UKP 149.99 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu